Udruženje mladih OMLADINSKI CENTAR Bugojno

Udruženje mladih OMLADINSKI CENTAR Bugojno

Youth Association „YOUTH CENTER”, Bugojno

Domaće Udruženje

Organizacija civilnog društva

Aktivizam/volonterizam, Ekologija, Javno zagovaranje, Kultura i umjetnost, Obrazovanje, Diskriminacija, Prava djece i mladih, Ravnopravnost spolova, Nauka i istraživanje, Promocija mira i tolerancije, Rad sa mladima i djecom, Sport i kultura, Zaštita zdravlja,



ID: 4236516370007


The main objectives of the Youth Center are: • Advocacy for the realization of all Youth rights in the Municipality of Bugojno regardless of religion, race, gender, nationality; • Advocacy to improve the position of young people in all areas of life; • Affirmation of all positive, cultural, scientific, intellectual, religious and civilization values; • Encouraging young people to improve their position in all areas of life by using their knowledge and skills, all through the development of different types of projects, thereby contributing to the development of the entire local community; • Organizing forums, public hearings, seminars and cultural, scientific, sporting events and launching other activities of public character in order to improve the quality of life in the Municipality of Bugojno; • Motivating young people in the fight for their own rights and encouraging young people to cooperate with institutions, authorities at all levels, media and other subjects that lead to a better position of young people; • Implementation of the Youth Strategy for the Municipality of Bugojno.

The Bugojno Youth Center is a cultural and educational space intended for all citizens of Bugojno, primarily young people, with the aim to encourage them to actively participate in community life and enable them to spend their free time in a creative and quality way. 2010-2018 Youth Association for Development "VIZIONAR", Bugojno, as the predecessor of Youth Association "OMLADINSKI CENTAR", Bugojno has been operating in Bugojno municipality since December 2010. During its work, the association completed many significant projects, of which the following are particularly distinguished: • "Oživimo bugojanski gradski park" („Revive Bugojno's town park“) • "Prezentacija i promocija Zakona o mladima FBiH" („Presentation and Promotion of the Law on FBiH Youth“) • "Ljubav je jače oružje od sile" („Love is a stronger weapon than force“) • "Družimo se svi bez vina i kocke" („Let's all get together without wine and gambling“) • „Info-centar za mlade" („Info Center for Youth“) • "Osnivanje Vijeća mladih općine Bugojno“ („Establishment of The Youth Council of the Municipality of Bugojno") • "Čist grad za zdrav život" („Clean city for a healthy life“) ... Throughout their work, the members of the association were participants of many workshops and seminars, and they were the best ambassadors of their city. In early 2019, the association changed its name to the Youth Association "OMLADINSKI CENTAR", Bugojno. 2019 ..... Youth Association "OMLADINSKI CENTAR", Bugojno under this name officially starts work in January 2019. The Youth Center as an idea was created in 2017 thanks to the Non Formal Youth Group from Bugojno: Asmir Cetin, Majda Garača, Almedin Tekešić, Hamira Sultanović, Asmer Tupo, Anes Dervišić, Mufid Vileš and Mehmed Karadža. Thanks to the support of the International Organization for Migration through the project "Support for young people in the local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina" that this organization with the help of donors USAID, Embassy of Great Britain and Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina implemented from October 2015 in Bugojno, in 2018 The Youth Center officially opened. From the opening until today, in the center have realized a number of activities and rooms of The Youth Center are regularly used by Youth Council Bugojno, Association of diagnosed and treated for cancer "Donna", Bugojno, Association of high school students BiH / local team Bugojno, informal group „Parents for parents" Bugojno as well as other non-governmental organizations and individuals who need to use the premises and equipment of the center.